e-poster Specifications
Your e-postercommunication must be submitted by tbc
Please send your oral communication to: tbc
• File Format: PDF
• Format: FULL HD 16 X 9
• Resolution: 1920 x 1080
• Size: Width: 28.575 cm | Height: 50.8 cm
• Orientation: Vertical
We recommend using PowerPoint, to be an easy tool to manage. You must follow these steps to set up your poster.
1. Open Powerpoint
2. Go to the structure tab
3. Slide size
4. Customize
5. Width: 28.575 cm | Height: 50.8 cm
6. Vertical
After structuring your poster, you must save it in PDF format before submitting.
We advise you to use the Arial font with size 11. If you want you can also use the Italic and Bold style. Avoid mixing sources.
When selecting images, make sure that they have a good resolution, ideally 300 dpi.
Pay attention to the size of the images. Those with the worst resolution should always be smaller.
Check the font used for the graphics captions. Often the font used does not allow a good reading.
We advise you to use the font size 11.
How to convert your poster to PDF format from PowerPoint
When creating your poster, it must comply with the rules created for this purpose.
Select “File” option
1. Click “Save as” or “Save as PDF”
2. “File name” write the ID and your name
3. “Save as type”, select “PDF.”
4. Click “Save”
5. Open the PDF to ensure that the file has been converted correctly.
What is the deadline for sending my poster?
Your poster must be sent until day 13 of September of 2021, until 23:59.
Please send your poster to: abreuevents@admeus.pt
Poster Exhibition
During the event, the selected posters will be available for consultation in the personal area of the event.